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Rochester Eye Center Blog Insights

Clearly Better

7 Things About LASIK Surgery

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Jan 25, 2024 1:36:30 PM

Considering LASIK surgery? Take the time to educate yourself by conducting thorough research and consulting with Dr. Lindahl, the esteemed LASIK surgeon in Rochester. And to pique your interest, here are seven fascinating facts about laser eye surgery that might surprise you.

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Contact Lens Intolerance: How LASIK can help

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Apr 14, 2023 3:49:38 PM

Hey there! We all know that contact lenses have been a game-changer for many people when it comes to correcting their vision. They offer much more convenience and comfort than glasses do. But for some, contact lens intolerance can make wearing contacts unbearable. If that sounds like you, don't worry! LASIK might just be the solution you need.

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Can you be too old to have LASIK?

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Jan 17, 2023 10:22:00 AM

As people age, their eyesight may deteriorate. Factors such as genetics, environment, smoking, high blood pressure, and prolonged digital screen use can speed up this process.

Commonly, the lens in the eye becomes thicker ...

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